Due to the January 2025 Mangawhai Tornado Auckland Displays is closed for the forseeable future. If you have any questions you can contact James on 021 199 88 55.

Stand-up Menu/Sign Holder


Cost effective and attractive display for signs and menus, provides protection from dust and spills. Manufactured from high impact clear plastic.

Variations Available:
7″ x 5″ Portrait, Dimensions 127 x 178 x 74 (mm).
A3 Landscape, Dimensions 421 x 301 x 120.
A3 Portrait, Dimensions 298 x 425 x 120.
A4 Landscape, Dimensions 297 x 210 x 78.
A4 Portrait, Dimensions 210 x 297 x 85.
A5 Landscape, Dimensions 210 x 148 x 75.
A5 Portrait, Dimensions 148 x 210 x 80.
A6 Portrait, Dimensions 101 x 152 x 44.
A7 Portrait, Dimensions 46 x 105 x 35.
DLE, Portrait, Dimensions 100 x 210 x 82.

SKU: N/A Category: