Due to the January 2025 Mangawhai Tornado Auckland Displays is closed for the forseeable future. If you have any questions you can contact James on 021 199 88 55.

Instant Ad Wall


Create the perfect backdrop in minutes, with the Instant Ad Wall. Your Ad Wall can be covered front, back and sides – or just covered on the few dimensions you need. This impressive ‘display in- a-bag’ is printed on non-crease fabric and folds out to its full size with ease. If you need to change your look, just use the frame and change the skin! That way you can freshen your marketing without replacing the whole unit. The light-weight properties of the Instant Ad Wall make it a must for an export trade-show travel kit.

Variations Available:

Wall: 2.25m x 1.5.2m
Fabric: Premium Lycra
Print: Single
Total Weight: 6.5kg

Wall: 2.25m x 2.25m
Fabric: Premium Lycra
Print: Single
Total Weight: 9.5kg

Wall: 2.25m x 3m
Fabric: Premium Lycra
Print: Single
Total Weight: 12.5kg

SKU: N/A Categories: ,